Tuesday 4 April 2023

"Why Russia is the Hidden Gem of International Education: A Personal Experience"

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Have you ever thought of studying in a country with a strong emphasis on science, technology, and engineering, with a particular focus on nuclear energy, aerospace, and defense and as well as Other sectors with growth potential including IT, finance, and healthcare?

Then  Russia Should Be on Your List of Study Abroad Destinations!

Russian scholarships are globally recognized to be the Best and on-Demand in the Job market.

Eng. Boniface Muthoka
 Kenyan Beneficiary of a Russian scholarship
at the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Eng. Boniface Muthoka, a Kenyan Beneficiary of a Russian scholarship at the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering where he studied BSc.Civil Engineering took us through his 5-year adventure as a student covering an Inside Look at the Quality of Education in Russian Universities, From Black Bread to Borsch; an experience of the Cuisine and Culture of Russia, Breaking Down Barriers; Debunking Stereotypes About Russians and a World of Opportunities; the Benefits of Studying in Russia for Kenyans and Africans.

How was your experience in Russia? 

(People's Culture & Interaction)

 Russian people are very friendly as opposed to what is believed, very warm and welcoming.

In Russian culture, the number of flowers you give someone can have a special meaning, and even numbers of flowers are generally associated with funerals and mourning. Therefore, it is considered inappropriate to give even numbers of flowers, especially roses, as a gift on occasions such as birthdays, weddings, or other happy events. Instead, odd numbers of flowers are preferred, with the number three being the most common and symbolizing good luck, while five or seven flowers are also popular choices.This cultural practice is deeply rooted in Russian traditions and is still observed by many Russians today.

Food & Culture

Their food is interesting; every meal must have a bread commonly known as xleb( black bread).  They also have a very nice soup called borsh,


I think Russia is one of the most secure countries in the world, there are CCTV  cameras everywhere, and no one can harm you and hide, so when walking around you be assured no one will do anything crazy to you

Climatic Seasons & Periods 

Russia has a continental climate with long, cold winters and short summers. It is important to dress warmly during winter and be prepared for long nights.

Winter can be really cold especially if you live in the far north, the southern part is a bit warm, and summer can also be very hot.

 In terms of weather its a land of extremes

Which Fields are demanding in Russia? 

Russia has a strong emphasis on science, technology, and engineering, with a particular focus on nuclear energy, aerospace, and Defense.
Other sectors with growth potential include IT, finance, and healthcare.

How were the Scholarship Selection Tests?

 (a brief on the entire Process & Advice to Kenyans' strategies for winning a Scholarship).

 I applied for a scholarship through the Ministry of Education and was called for an interview after which I was successful, that's where the journey started. The whole process started around February (application) to November (that's when I flew to Russia) together with other students who had won the scholarship, that time we were 15 only. Now the number has increased to 60 slots which means more opportunities for those who wish to study in Russia.

NB: Attached is a past post we advertised on application guidelines, dated February 2023-https://k254nairobinews.blogspot.com/2023/02/14-days-to-deadline-for-russian.html

Did you Study as you work? 

(What works).

Not really, You could only work during holidays coz the school work was really demanding.


Did you Work in the Russian Industry after your 5-Year Civil Engineering Study completion?

I did internship & attachments with Russian companies, but I came back home immediately after graduation,


Are Employment Opportunities Many & easily accessible in Russia upon completing studies? 

(specify demand vs Level of education..." just like the way in Kenya jobs specify that Master's holders are highly considered").


The literacy level in Russia is very high, which means you have to stand out to get that job, almost more than 80% have masters and a quite good number have PhDs. But for foreigners, English teaching jobs are plenty, especially when you are still on campus.

Employment opportunities in Russia vary depending on the sector and level of education. Some industries have a high demand for skilled professionals, while others may have limited job openings. Generally, higher education and specialized skills increase one's employment prospects. 

Do you prefer studying then get employed in Russian sectors or beneficiaries  should come to work and Grow in their country (herein Kenya)

If you get a scholarship, the best thing is to come back home and give back to your home country, the country sends you to acquire knowledge and bring it back, otherwise what will be the essence of giving you a scholarship if you ain't bringing that knowledge back home

General Final Remarks.

"Those Who Wish To Gain Good Education And Life Skills, Russia Is The Country, I Don't Regret At All Studying There"

Studying in Russia can be a rewarding experience, with many universities offering high-quality education and research opportunities.

It is also important to research scholarship opportunities and prepare a strong application to increase one's chances of being accepted.

A section of Foreign Students

Compiled By:


Chief Editor,

K254 Nairobi News

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