Wednesday 19 April 2023

Sankofa Danzafro Tours Nairobi Kenya-Kenya National Theater 1830HRS Event


With the support of the Foreign Ministry, the Afro-Colombian group will carry out cultural and educational exchanges in Nairobi and Brazzaville.

- The cultural course includes participation in the fifth edition of the international festival of dance, theater and circus - MALOBA de Brazzaville, in which Colombia is the guest of honor country. 

Nairobi, April 15, 2023. From April 18 to May 6, and as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Promotion Plan for Colombia Abroad, the Afro-Colombian group Sankofa Danzafro will tour Africa in Nairobi and Brazzaville. 

With the cultural project 'Akan, return to the roots', Sankofa will carry out cultural and educational exchanges, presentations in front of high authorities, training cycles, workshops and the exchange of knowledge and interviews at a national level.
Sankofa's work schedule begins with the presentation of the play 'Deadline Date' before Kenyan authorities at the Kenya National Theater together with the local group Wana Mziki. 

On the other hand, there will be a co-production and a video that will take a joint demonstration of dance to different parts of Nairobi.  
In addition, the members of the company will carry out workshops at Kenyatta University with teachers and dance students, and the television channel KUTV will present, at a national level, an interview that will highlight the history of Sankofa in more than 20 years of job.  

They will also perform with the KICA dance troupe from the informal settlement in Kibera and the Rambolo dance troupe from Kenyatta University.
Sankofa, likewise, will be present from April 27 to May 6 at the fifth edition of the MALOBA international dance, theater and circus festival in Brazzaville, in which Colombia is the guest of honor. 

With these initiatives, which make Colombian customs and traditions visible, the Embassy in Kenya stimulates dialogue with Africa, ethnic diversity and African heritage.

Likewise, this project opens up opportunities for cultural and economic exchange, and contributes significantly to the positioning of the country on the African continent. 

Actions that result in contributions to the construction of peace and social equality. 

The Plan for the Promotion of Colombia Abroad is a cultural diplomacy tool of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose purpose is to support the achievement of the foreign policy objectives of the Colombian State.

Sankofa Danzafro
Sankofa Danzafro is oriented towards the search for poetics that stem from the roots of Afro dance, developed within the framework of everyday life, the traditional and the contemporary, as an option for social bonding, personal growth and positioning of local cultures. 

Sankofa means 'return to the root'; More than a word, it is an African philosophy that proposes knowing the past as a condition for understanding the present and being able to dimension the future.

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