Friday, 31 January 2020

The Colombian Embassy Management between September and October 2019

Read the p.d.f document below

September - October 2019Bimonthly
COLLECTIVE ENSÁLSATE EXHIBITED IN KENIA THE BEST OF THE COLOMBIA SAUCE Within the framework of the Promotion Plan of Colombia Abroad 2019 of the Embassy of Colombia in Kenya, 4 dancers were welcomed between September 26 and 28 ENSÁLSATE Foundation of the city of Santiago de Cali, who after passing through Belgium and the Netherlands, offered all their energy and talent to the Kenyan public and the body diplomat present in the country. During the tour of the artists a series of events were developed to give a sample of the creative industries of Colombia. The occasion was also used to perform Exchanges of experiences with salsa enthusiasts in the African country, a modality that every day becomes more important within the local and international community. In the photo: Daniel Alejandro Prado Cobo and Laura Quiñonez Gonzalez run the salsa choreography especially designed for the tour with the Ministry of External relationships from Colombia and encourage to the public of the Kenyatta University with the sensuality and vivacity of the sauce from Colombia. MINISTER OF SPORTS, CULTURE AND KENYA HERITAGE RECEIVES A SHOW YOURSELF During the meeting the members of ENSÁLSATE shared their artistic experience and the prestige that his group has been acquiring in Colombia and worldwide in the last years. Ambassador Elizabeth Taylor Jay, who led the meeting with support of the Second Secretary Sergio Salazar Alzate, in charge of the cultural affairs of the Embassy, ​​referred to the projection strategy of creative industries in Colombia as one of the most important aspects for economic and social growth, and to the priority of the cultural agenda within the functions of the Embassy. Embassy Team, ENSÁLSATE and Minister of Sports, Culture and Heritage of Kenya As a preamble to various activities that would be developing with the salsa presentation in Nairobi, the past September 26 the Minister of Sports, Culture and Heritage of Kenya Ambassador Dra. Amina Mohamed received in his offices to the four members of the grouping TRY IT YOU CAME TO Nairobi to perform the cultural activity led by Colombian Embassy in Kenya in the framework of the Promotion Plan of Colombia in the 2020 exterior. TEAM PREPARE CHOREOGRAPHY WITH DANCERS OF THE KENYATTA UNIVERSITY, CULTURAL PARTNER OF THE EMBASSY OF COLOMBIA IN KENYA The ENSÁLSATE Foundation was born with the goal of creating spaces for training and realization professional in the field of dance, especially of young people of scarce resources that they find in this profession, a consolidation of its roots Cultural and a way of life. The citizen principles of La ENSÁLSATE Foundation are based on the conviction that the arts, the business and social initiatives can together contribute to Build a better world. On their first day in Nairobi, the dancers Daniel Alejandro Prado Cobo, Laura Quiñonez González, Kelly Mina Mosquera and Arnulfo Franco Chávez, visited the school of dance of the Kenyatta University - Salsa MIST, with whom they shared their talent and the best steps of the Cali sauce. In turn, the Salsa MIST school exchanged his steps and African rhythms with the artists from Colombia. Result of this exchange, it was built a joint choreography that was presented on Friday, September 27 at the auditorium of Kenyatta University. Prior to the start of the presentation at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, the Ambassador Taylor met with the Vice Chancellor of the University and the team of the Directorate of Cultural extension, with whom he exchanged perspectives on the cultural agenda of the Embassy and thanked the support received for the execution of the projects executed in the framework of the Colombia Promotion Plan Abroad. It is the second consecutive year where Colombian artists demonstrate of his talent and the great cultural heritage, pillar of the creative industries of Colombia. The amphitheater of the facilities of the emblematic Kenyatta University was the stage on September 11, 2018 for the realization of the great exchange concert of Experiences in traditional music. The audience delighted in the voice of the cantaora Colombian Martina Camargo, the “Mermaid of the Magdalena River” accompanied by the rhythm of the drum of Freddy Henríquez. That event was attended by around 2,000 people among University students, members of the diplomatic corps, Colombians, Latino community and friends of the Embassy. AMBASSADOR MEETS WITH VICECANCILLER DE LA KENYATTA UNIVERSITY IN THE FRAMEWORK OF LAS CULTURAL ACTIVITIES OF COLOMBIA IN KENYA Participants in the dance contest sauce belonging to three schools of the Nairobi city they expressed their knowledge about this rhythm at a audience of more than two thousand asistent

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Learn about our management at the Colombian Embassy in Kenya between September and October 2019:

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