Friday, 31 January 2020

K254 Nairobi News Fraternity's Farewell to Outgoing Ambassador Elizabeth Inés Taylor Jay

Pius,Elizabeth,Bob and Sergio salazar 
Farewell H.E Elizabeth Taylor Jay,Your Work in Kenya was Great and marked with Diligence.
Wishing you Safe Journey and Excellence in your Next Task"We will Miss You!"
Regards,The K254 Nairobi News Fraternity,

Pius (Pius Muhoro) and Bob(Bob Samuel)

More about Elizabeth Inés Taylor Jay
Elizabeth Taylor belongs to the ethnic group of Providencia Island, Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. She is a marine biologist at the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia and a Master in Marine Environment Protection from the University of Wales, Great Britain, with extensive experience in marine and coastal environmental management, sustainable development, environmental management in small islands and coastal areas , planning and management of protected area systems, ecosystem-based adaptation, community participation, negotiation and conflict resolution.

In 2016, she was appointed as Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of Colombia to the Government of Kenya, a position she currently occupies in which she also serves as Permanent Representative of Colombia to UNEP and UN-Habitat and as Permanent Observer of Colombia to the Union Africana in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In addition, she is Ambassador of Colombia with residence in Nairobi to the Governments of Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. 

Before holding this diplomatic position, she worked for more than a year as an international independent consultant providing advice to government bodies, NGOs and private companies.

Between 2012 and 2015 she was the first Director in ownership of the new Directorate of Marine, Coastal and Aquatic Resources of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - MADS. During his time at the Ministry, he led the issuance of important regulations to promote the sustainable development and conservation of resources in the coastal and marine areas of the country. 

Similarly, it promoted several programs and projects for the promotion of sustainable development of communities and protected areas in both the Pacific and the Colombian Caribbean. During her tenure at MADS, she was in charge on several occasions of the Vice Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and its technical directorates, as well as the Office of International Affairs. 

Its work stands out for 17 years in the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina –CORALINA-, where she held high positions in the management of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve as: Coordinator of the Office of the islands of Providencia and Santa Catalina, Deputy Director of Environmental Management and General Director.

She has participated in multiple negotiations in different international events and conferences on environmental and sustainable development on behalf of CORALINA, Seaflower, MADS and as a delegate of the Colombian Government such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Cartagena Convention and its protocols, Tropical Tuna Intertropical Commission (CIAT), International Whaling Commission (IWC), among others. 

She is co-author of multiple publications including chapters of several books on topics such as integration of conservation with poverty reduction, community participation, protection of the marine environment, management with an ecosystem approach and adaptation to climate change.

He is a pacifist, prefers consultation and mediation before the conflict and has a high environmental and social sensitivity. Thanks to her leadership as Director of CORALINA, in 2010 the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) within the framework of the COP of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya Japan, awarded the 2010 Countdown Award to the institution, as the best biodiversity conservation effort in the world among more than 1,100 nominated organizations. Likewise, and as administrator of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, she was worthy in 2012 of the UNESCO Michel Batisse Prize, a prize for life and work working for the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. During his time at CORALINA, he was also appointed for more than a year as President of the National Committee of IUCN.

He is a person who manages excellent interpersonal relationships, which constitutes one of the most outstanding aspects of his personality. The key to his professional life has been to consolidate high-quality and extremely committed work teams, which has resulted in the harvest of successes in short periods of time. In the same way, it recognizes the benefits of teamwork and its environmentalist vocation makes it immensely value natural resources and their vulnerability, to which it gives a deep sense of respect but never before putting them before the human being.

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