Wednesday, 9 December 2020

"Manifest: for everything and against nothing!" and "Gold, spirit and nature of a territory" by Pedro Ruiz In Partnership With The Colombian Embassy in Kenya

 The Embassy of Colombia in Kenya presents "Manifest: for everything and against nothing!" and "Gold, spirit and nature of a territory" by Pedro Ruiz

The Embassy of Colombia in Kenya presents "Manifest: for everything and against nothing!"  and "Gold, spirit and nature of a territory"
Photo: Embassy of Colombia in Kenya.


Nairobi (Dec 8/20). As part of the Plan for the Promotion of Colombia Abroad, the Colombian Embassy in Kenya convened a group of ambassadors from Latin America and the European Union (November 24), representatives of the East African and Mombasa Chambers of Commerce (November 26) and of young leaders from Kenya (December 3) to the exhibition of the works of the artist Pedro Ruiz, “Manifiesta; for everything and against nothing! " and "Gold, spirit and nature of a territory."

“Manifest; for everything and against nothing! "
In this work, the Colombian artist addresses the issue of a possible reconciliation with our habitat based on an apolitical manifestation where, instead of expressing ourselves against an ideology or institution, we present ourselves together in favor of nature.

Manifest! It is an invitation to interact with the work in order to develop a collective work that allows us to imagine the possibility of reconciling and getting up together for the same cause, to re-enchant this world.

"Gold, spirit and nature of a territory"
ORO is projected as an installation that focuses on violence in a different way, attenuating its influence to, in this way, generate a space that allows us to observe our deepest nature. This new proposal wants to invite us to reflect on the different values ​​that over the centuries have made it possible to form a nation.

ORO is a coherent and rigorous exhibition both in its formal and conceptual aspects. It is also conceived within the framework of identity and territory, it shows a different look on our reality. A look that can be part of the solution and not of the conflict.

In the different presentations, Ambassador Mónica de Greiff referred to the importance of showing the different aspects of Colombian culture, linking education, sports and the teaching of Spanish as tools of foreign policy. In this sense, he highlighted the symbolism that Pedro Ruiz's work has for the restoration and conservation of the environment in Colombia, as well as the relevance of these policies for the National Government.

The exhibition will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 5 pm until December 17, with all the biosecurity measures established by the local government.   
The Plan for the Promotion of Colombia Abroad is a cultural diplomacy tool of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, whose purpose is to support the achievement of the foreign policy objectives of the Colombian State.


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