Sunday 20 September 2020

Should I become a Freemason?


Should I become a Freemason?

If you have to ask, then the answer is No, not yet.

Free and of own accord. That’s the first thing we ensure as part of initiation. So if you are not sure, then you might want to hang back a little.

It’s not a matter of just becoming a Mason either. It’s no longer a case of accepting all takers. But, if your petition is accepted, then decision is ultimately yours.

If you are stuck at this point, I can from experience present three simple arguments, one as to why many are unsure, two as a simple truth regarding Freemasonry to put it in perspective, and three as an exercise to set yourself at ease.

Doubt is normal.

In my years I have seen many candidates fail, tremble in fear, or ultimately back out. The fear of the unknown is the strongest argument for self preservation the mind can come up with. It's human nature. As such it is normal, and many brethren will tell you how they readied themselves for a fist fight before entering “just in case”. This is however unnecessary, and a first step of trust you have to take on your own.

We have all been through it, and survived.

On the flip side, Freemasonry has 6 million members worldwide that are alive and well. Ultimately every single member has gone through what you are dreading at the moment.

There is no blood, goats, sacrifice, or virgins waiting for you. And, as a brother will literally hold your hand throughout the proceedings, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

The expectation of hazing, physical harm and all the stories our detractors love to regurgitate, just builds on natural uncertainty. So please know that neither will be befall you.

Setting your mind at ease.

How can you be sure you are safe? One thing you can do, as you have some time, is verify the credentials of the Lodge. This is extremely quick to do, as any senior brother should know.

This seems trivial, but joining a clandestine branch of Masonry happens all to often, because the candidates simply have no idea of knowing.

Please make sure the Lodge falls under a Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge, or District Grand Lodge that is in amity with the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). This will ensure that as a Mason, you will be welcomed amongst your brothers anywhere in the world, and that the brethren of your new Lodge will look after you in the time honoured way.


Joining Masonry was life changing for me and to most brethren. I hope that the choices you finally make will lead you on a path that is right for you.

If this leads you to join, it may just be one of the biggest turning points in your life. But it is up to you to embrace it.

Good luck, and keep us up to date!

47 comments from Julian A Ramsey and more
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“i would not recommend them to be me, it's not as much fun as you think it may be”.

2. Ratan tata one of biggest industrialist during a speech said that he didn't have any friends when he launched TATA INDICA famous Indian car. Which was among first few cars which were fully made in India had no friends who supported him.

Saddest truth is they always risk no matter what maybe the consequences and are alone and lonely.

53 comments from Amey Tiwari (अमेय तिवारी) and more

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13 points here: 1. Seek promotion after sticking to a company more than 2 years. 2. Don’t mix business with your friends. 3. Don’t trust manager, most of them exploit and hunt you if necessary. 4. If you are the best in that company, remember there is another company waiting for you along with better income and bet
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Mani Venkat · Answered September 9
Top habits which most of the billionaires follow rigorously 1. Read as much as possible: I am not talking about the regular textbooks. You have to read beyond than your horizon. Warren Buffett spends 80% of the time reading. Bill gates reads at least 1 book per week. 2. Stay Fit: Look at the below 2 pict

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Romania. 1. Never get a cab from the airport. If you’re a foreigner you might as well never ever get into a cab at all. Call an Uber. Most Romanian cab drivers are known for spinning tourists around the city to get extra fare. 2. Don’t talk so much about Dracula or Vampires. Also don’t ask locals if they be

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Supriya Singh · Answered September 7
Sometimes you find a perfect solution to a problem. And then you see the end result and realize we made a whopping mistake. Little oversights lead to laughter if not total chaos. 1 - Safety before logic. 2 - Top-level security. 3 - So which one would you choose? 4 - An un-fitted kitchen. 5 - When the des
This is my 3rd year in China. I have not been outside China for over a year and have personally observed China's response to Covid-19 (in Suzhou, Jiangsu). There are so many reasons why China could control Covid-19. The most important reasons are the effective government, governance, and discipline.
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Jeff Bezos started Amazon with his wife MacKenzie Bezos. He then hired the first two employees who worked on creating the Amazon site: Shel Kaphan and Paul Davis. The two developers created the Amazon site in C. At the time, that was the standard. The PHP was invented during the same period for exampl

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1. For future business downturns 2. Research into new products and services which could include selecting new product lines to researching entirely new technologies and solutions. 3. Equipment that is required for new products or services 4. Replacement of old equipment 5. Pay dividends to investors who are risking th

Charles Neilsen · Updated Tue
Two of my guys came up with a lookup algorithm that beat everything. We incorporated it into our product, industrial controllers, and we were able to cut back on hardware without losing any performance. One of the guys had an intern. The intern wrote up her part of it for her project paper. A year la
No. Mold is the fruiting body of a fungus that grows on bread. Unfortunately, once you see the mold on the bread, the fungus has spread all through it, and it is no longer safe to eat. Eating molding bread could cause headaches and stomachaches, and even in some cases, cause you to hallucinate, (with c

Best place on the planet for bleeding edge R&D. At first I thought everyone was half-joking that working a year at SpaceX is like working 7 years anywhere else, but nope; they weren’t joking. Turn around average is about 1.5 years. During the interviews they ask if you’re willing to work 60 hour wee
The best way to switch from an employee to an employer during the Coronavirus pandemic is to start an online career. With the high-developed modern society, most of the services are available online. So, you just need to prepare a few things: 1. Think of an idea that might be trendy in the environment w

Rohit Kashyap · Updated July 22, 2019
These pictures look cool? These are some pictures the Internet will show about entrepreneurs. But now look at these pictures. These are some pictures of the famous billionaires who had revolutionized the world and look at the level of Simplicity. Some recent pics. If you review them. They invest their ti

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