In Summary

• Gender CAS Rachel Shebesh on Tuesday expressed her disappointment and at the same time raised her concerns over the presence of police in the assembly.

• “ I have been appointed by the President and in my capacity I cannot sit back because of the kind of force used against these women only because they are exercising their rights,”she said.

Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga and CAS Rachel Shebesh accompany MCA Patricia Mutheu to Central police station to record a statement on July 28, 2020.
Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga and CAS Rachel Shebesh accompany MCA Patricia Mutheu to Central police station to record a statement on July 28, 2020.

A section of women leaders have urged County Assembly Speaker Beatrice Elachi to cease from using police to settle her woes with MCAs.

This comes as pictures of Mlango Kubwa MCA Patricia Mutheu went viral as she was being beaten by police officers as chaos emerged at the assembly.

Gender CAS Rachel Shebesh on Tuesday expressed her disappointment and at the same time raised her concerns over the presence of police in the assembly.


“ I have been appointed by the President and in my capacity I cannot sit back because of the kind of force used against these women only because they are exercising their rights,”she said.

Shebesh also called for sanity at the assembly.

"I’m urging Elachi my sister, stop it. Nobody has ever used war in politics and won, even if you do you will never execute your mandate ,” she said.

Shebesh also pleaded with Elachi to spare women in the ongoing assembly wrangles even as she pursues to remain as the Speaker of the assembly.

“If you want war, call the men to fight each other but please don't call the police to fight women,” she added.

Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga also pleaded with Elachi to stop targeting women who are perceived to be a “weak link”.

She also put IG Mutyambai on the spot and questioned why police officers were allowed in the assembly .

“Even in Parliament we have our differences but never have we seen police being allowed in the National Assembly or Senate,” Omanga added.

The women leaders had accompanied Mlango Kubwa MCA Patricia Mutheu and other MCAs to write statements at Central police station following the chaos that rocked the assembly in the morning.