Monday 24 February 2020

Life Quotes by Mjomba Majalia PHD

"You can only be free when you are six feet under"
Explanation: work,work,work,never be idle. Hard work will always achieve  abundant resources on earth. Get something to do and you will surely succeed.

"Kenyan Brains are Intelligent"
The aforementioned being true, the only problem is brain drain to foreign nations(Developed Countries) instead of developing our own underdeveloped nation (Kenya) and Africa at large.

"The world will always reply the same; if you apply 10N,it will reply back an equal 10 N "
Explanation: Always use extra effort  as you try reaching your goals and you will surely make it in life. Never give up however hard it is.Laziness will make you Poor in your entire life.

"Attitude is 100%  effort"
Explanation: all our undertakings are dependent on our attitude; if the attitude is positive, then effort applied in carrying our Socio-Economic activities becomes high and vice versa.

The Funny Side of Mjomba Majalia
Of all Lecturers in Taita Taveta University,Dr. Mjomba has been well known for his sense of humour; of which has helped much in  ensuring students remain focus and free from Boredom during his lectures.
There is one thing he has never forgotten to use as an example; that is his wife "Maria."
On one of his lectures he narrated how challenging it was dating Maria his wife.
"I feel electrocuted when you hug me beiby"
"My wallet is yo wallet; take it all beiby"

Check more about M.Majalia PhD on:

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