Tuesday 22 October 2019

BBI Politics vs DP Ruto Scramble

*Dear Deputy president William Ruto.*

Let me help you open your eyes.

The BBI is not meant to create positions  for  afew individuals as you have been claiming and the BBI plane has taxied on the runway there is nothing you can do to stop it.


1. The BBI is not meant to create positions for anyone but unite the country. This can happen  under a coalition of like minds and/or setting up a position for leader of the opposition. The BBI is expected to lay foundation for a prosperous and peaceful Kenya where everyone irrespective of tribal background sits at the high table and takes the seven course meal we the Kikuyu & Kalenjin have been enjoying since independence. And here I do not mean that we are doing away with multiparty democracy.  The BBI also seeks to end presidential election related post election violence.  H.E the president and Raila will make sure the BBI works because they have identified a solution to a problem that be devils this country and would not want to retire before fixing it.

2. Uhuru Kenyatta was more of Jubilee party leader than president of Kenya in his 1st term. He steered off politics.

3. Uhuru preoccupied himself as president but will assert his presence and influence as Jubilee party leader after the presentation of the BBI report.

4. He (Uhuru) will remain Jubilee party leader even after 2022.

5. Rtd president Moi was never out of mind when he said that KANU will rule for the next 100years. Moi said this as he handed over KANU to Uhuru Kenyatta  as party leader with you (William Ruto) as secretary general. Jubilee is a new outfit for KANU. The Jubilee boss still consults Rtd Moi.

6. Uhuru is not going anywhere. He has repeatedly said that he will remain the Jubilee party leader even after retirement.

7. The believe that the decision as to who becomes the Jubilee Presidential candidate will be a decision of the Jubilee Party under President Uhuru as Party Leader is premised on faulty logic. It is overtaken by events because a political super alliance is shaping up and will be unveiled in 2020.

8. Tembeza kiatu. Major political players in the country will come together to form a new 2022 super alliance, so forget about being endorsed as Jubilee presidential candidate because as I already stated, the Jubilee party will not  be there as a party in 2022 because a new super alliance  will be formed under the guidance of President Uhuru Kenyatta of Jubilee party and Raila Odinga.

9. A political tsunami is going to emerge next year. It is on its way. The handshake was not enacted in vain but for a purpose. A super alliance is coming and coming fast.

10. The super Alliance will be an important vehicle in drumming support for a referendum.

11. President Uhuru Kenyatta & Raila Odinga will endorse the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report, which would culminate in the expansion of the executive through a change in the country’s governance structure.

*William you are fighting a losing battle. The BBI is unstoppable.*

1. The BBI report will be released by Sunday  before being given to the Electoral agency  which will facilitate the collection of the required one million signatures.

2. Come February 2020, the  bill will be taken to the counties for public participation.
By next year, it will be the beginning of the end of pretentious politics. There will be no more niceties for those politicians stretching the patience of President Kenyatta. When he comes out and speaks, the people will listen to him. The people expecially those from Mt Kenya will ask how high when asked to jump.

3. NASA & Uhuru Kenyatta strongholds which costitute 75% of Kenya will rally behind the referendum, which “among other things seeks to expand the Executive” because Kenya does not belong to the Kikuyu and Kalenjin alone. It also seeks to end presidential election related post election violence that usually affect members of the GEMA community spread across the country.

Sorry for  killing the URP.
Sorry for wasting your time campaigning for a position that will not be there in 2022.

*Hn. Weston Wanjohi*

*Party Leader: The National Vision Party (NVP)*

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