Sunday 11 August 2019

TTU CEMEREM-Center of Excellence for Mining,Environmental Engineering & Resource Management

CEMEREM Information

The 8th African-German centre of excellence
CEMEREM is a joint project between Taita Taveta University – Kenya, TU Bergakademie Freiberg – Germany and University of Applied Sciences Dresden – Germany. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs through DAAD.
  • Develop and improve curricula for new and existing academic programmes ( Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Post graduate)
  • Educate and train a new generation of mining, process and environmental engineers and resource managers for industry and government
  • Provide continuous education and training for engineers and managers in industry
  • Educate and train lecturers at TTU
  • Network with industry and governments in the region in quality assurance for education, training  and research
  • Integrate sustainability concepts (societal, environmental, spatial and economic) into the educational, implementation framework of the training, research and projects.

Current situation in Kenya
Kenya is a producer of soda ash (3rd world ranking), fluorspar (7th world ranking), titanium (11th world rankling), diatomite (21st world ranking), zircon (23rd world ranking ), and ranks 82nd on salt, gold and gemstone. The country has a potential for further mining development with discoveries of coal, oil, niobium, and rare earth oxides. If these new rare  earth  oxides reserves are well exploited, Kenya could raise to the world top 5 producer countries. All in all, it is expected that the mining sector will increase its contribution to the GDP from the current 1% to 6.5%
The development of the extractive sector is one of seven flagship projects within the manufacturing sector of the Economic Pillar of Kenya Vision 2030. CEMEREM intends to contribute to this through the supply of well-educated and trained engineers, managers and mining experts.

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