Friday 17 May 2019

Graduate to credible anti-graft purge #KRA Criminals

Graduate to credible anti-graft purge

Times Towers
Times Towers, KRA headquarters in Nairobi. FILE PHOTO | NMG 
Let us wait to see whether the high-profile anti-corruption purge and arrests of employees of the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) will produce evidence capable of sustaining convictions in courts of law.
Several months ago, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations mounted similar high profile investigations on the Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs), leading to the arrests and arraignment of managers of the State agency and local staff of the Moroccan fertiliser manufacturing company OCP Ltd.
What made this high profile investigation even more sensational was the fact that the individuals were charged with murder.
The allegations were that top officials of this State agency, including the CEO, had colluded with the Moroccans to allow fertiliser laced with mercury into the country, thus exposing consumers to sickness, even death.
The other day, the Moroccan company was exonerated by the courts and allowed to release 65,000 bags of fertiliser that had been detained for nearly one year to the market.

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