Friday 14 October 2022

Successful Mentorship Workshop for the Procurement & Supplies Management Students at Taita Taveta University (TTU), Voi Main Campus

Successful Mentorship Workshop for the Procurement & Supplies Management Students at Taita Taveta University (TTU), Voi Main Campus

Students at the session

Various panels from The Kenya Institute of Supplies Examination Board (KISEB), Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM) & The Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) graced the event at the Auditorium on Friday, 14th October 2022.
Bachelors, Diploma & Certificate Procurement & Supplies Management Students from both Taita Taveta University (TTU), and Cost Institute of Technology (CIT).
KISEB offers both Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K) and Associate in Procurement and Supply of Kenya (APS-K) Professional Qualifications.
For more information on Membership, visit
Mr. Cyprian Airo (Examinations Coordinator) and Jane Ngugi (Examinations Assistant) took students through various courses and requirements offered by KISEB.

KISM recently launched Mentorship, Coaching, and Internship program for its members.
To get in-depth information, you can visit their website via

CIPS was represented by Evanson Njomo, (CIPS-Kenya Branch Chairperson), Joshua Gitoho (CIPS-Kenya Branch Secretary) & Caleb Mbithi (CIPS-Kenya Branch Education Liaison Officer, and a TTU Alumni).
CIPS offers Certifications and exam booking for its members which are usually done in the months of March, May, July & November.
One can become a member either as a practitioner or a student for more info on joining visit
CIPS Officials, From Left Joshua Gitoho, Evanson Njomo, and Caleb Mbithi

On the CIPS Code of Conduct, Mr. Evanson Njomo emphasized on possession of professional practices using CIPS's principle on Quality, Diversity & Inclusion in Supply Chain
"Your Practices must be seen as professional," he said.

Mr.Joshua Gitoho commented on the need to gain skills that will enable candidates to stand out.
"Never Join a profession for a bad reason".he added


On Networking, Mr. Caleb Mbithi who is also a TTU Alumni (2011-2014), started by asking students about their expectations regarding the Mentorship workshop, where most responded by saying, "for enlightenment while others" "how to get a job".

On the Impact of Networking,
He emphasized the need to be a personal brand which in turn gives people immediate feedback on who you really are.
"Be a brand of yourself, what people see in you is equal to what you give".

"The world outside needs persons with the courage to face it, you hence need to stand out with a unique capability from others."

Your Network is your Networth!
"Apart from Financial Capital, we all need to build a Social Capital"

Reasons for the importance of building social capital:
1. Employees are an organization's greatest Asset.
2. Engage with the right people, materiality gain.

Places where one can network effectively include:
(i) Webinars
(ii) Networking Events (so-called meet & greet)
(iii) Social media especially LinkedIn

3. Information is very important
4. The right time to Build a network is "Right Now"

"Strategic Networking has 70-80% hidden Job Market", he emphasized.

The way a person dresses in an interview or in social gatherings tells a lot.
"Never forget that; dressing professionally and engaging people with confidence is very important"

Mr.Simon Ndiwa, a Chief Procurement Officer at Taita Taveta University with 19 years of  professional experience, including tender evaluation took students through
Career progression in procurement:

He advised that:

1. Qualification is Mandatory in Procurement
2. If you stand out, you are flexible to work in government institutions and as well as Multinationals.
3. Misplacement of a profession, is an abuse of professionalism.
4. Being a jack of all trades will assist you in identifying the organization's needs and hence strategic task Delivery.

He finalized by advising students to register companies and explore youth-related open tenders at the University as a step to doing it practically.


Dr. Patrick Kimaku, Coaching
students on Cv writing and
Interview presentation

Dr. Patrick Kimaku
(Chairman of the Department COD-Business Management Sciences BMS under the University's SBESS) took students through Winning skills.
He brainstormed with the participants by stating,
"Some scenarios maybe that, you are qualified but don't get jobs"
"The World is competitive, there is a necessity to stand out! "

How to write a winning CV and Effective Job Interview Presentation:
1. Write a Perfect Application Letter; include a well-edited passport photo, this assists greatly in winning the attention of employers.

While ending, always say" Looking forward to be interviewed soon, but never use the word 'looking forward to be hired"

2. Write a Chronological order Education and job background.

3. Instead of using the words Attachee, you can replace it with "Trainee or Intern" during interviews...Just answer questions in a more unique manner.

4. Never include your date of birth, unless asked to do so.

"With all this, Never fail in any interview, believe in yourself, failing is unless by mistake"

Tips on how to answer Job Interview Questions:
1. Understand all current affairs.
2. Understand the job you are applying including the monthly salary/wages.
3. Respond to all questions, you can pardon the panel even twice as you try remembering, but in a worst-case scenario, just be Frank and tell them to give you an answer claiming that you will never forget it if told.
4. Expressing yourself is key
"Always remember that after the degree qualifications, most candidates are tested on their amplitudes.

In your closing remarks, always say" "Looking forward to working with you soon. "

"Finally, Put your God first, God is for us all"

Madam Mercy. M. Wambui (a Lecturer at the TTU-BMS Department and Patron of the Association of Procurement Students-APS TTU) added that confidence is key during interview presentations,
"I once cried on my first interview, it was embarrassing and I would never want anyone else to ever cry in such a scenario.
Mr. Nyile, Mr.Cyprian Airo KISEB,Madam Mercy
M.Wambui and Miss Jane Ngugi-KISEB

Mr.Erastus Nyile (a Lecturer at TTU-BMS Department) Emphasized the importance of being a certified professional stating that,
" Procurement was not that important some years back, but now, the profession has grown tremendously, and hence the need to stand out!"

Group photo, far right, Miss Vivian Business & Supplies lecturer CIT and Back Left Mr.Kelvin Mwandoe, CIT-Supplies, and HRM lecturer

FFrom left Miss Vivian (Lecturer at CIT), Jane Ngugi (KISEB-Examinations Assistant), and Mr. Cyprian Airo (KISEB-Examinations Coordinator)

Group Photo, CIPS, KISEB Officials Lectures, and Students
outside TTU Administration Block

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